Monday, October 26, 2009

More autumnal ramblings.

Not sure what to say today,
Not feeling any pretty words. 
Which.... is sad. 
I realized today I used to be better with words, 
I'm not sure what happened to me. 
But I need to figure it out because its sad. 
Anyway, went to Williamsburg with Aric this weekend. 
It was so much fun, I love it there.
I want to move haha. 
Anyway, here have some photos I took on our adventure. 

Bye bye pumpkins, hope you're all having a good week!


  1. I'M sure we all hope we will have a good week :P I hope the words will come back to you, isn't fall the season of sad poetry or some such thing XD?

  2. Oh and those pics are real pretty :O
