Monday, January 23, 2012

Here we go!

Hey guys! As usual I've been slacking on blogging. 

See, my problem is, (yes I've diagnosed myself.) I keep wanting to post things, but I feel like if I don't have photos to accompany my posts then its worthless. Which is kind of ridiculous if you ask me, but its just the way it is. SO in saying that, maybe I should just take more photos. 

Last time I wrote a post my hair was purple, now it is back to the red-side of things because I'm getting my formal bridal portraits. Only, in order to do this I had to bleach the purple out and my hair became this cotton candy pink/blonde which... I sort of love a lot. So its staying this way for a while. 

(not going to lie, my hair color makes me feel like a sailor scout. life's dream: accomplished.)

I've officially started my final semester of undergrad. For those of you who don't know much about me, I am pursuing a B.A. in Theatre. This semester has started out to be my favorite: Contemporary Trends in Theatre (love it!!), Directing, Voice and Diction, Mask Making (in love.), and Stage Combat (also in love.). I have a gen ed too but that's not worth mentioning.... ick. Its really weird to be almost done with school after all these years, to be planning for our senior showcase and knowing that a portion of my friends will be moving to NY or LA to pursue their acting careers and that I won't really get to see them anymore. Its a little bit of a bummer, but... I mean its life. We've all got to move on, right?

My Christmas and New Years were fun! We spent NewYears in D.C., one of my favorite cities. It was a blast. Aric and I went with my parents and we basically spent the time walking around, and we even did some touristy stuff (a.k.a. looking at monuments and such). It was so much fun oh gosh. New Years Eve itself we spent in the hotel lobby playing spades for hours. It was so much fun! I kind of love low-key New Years. Its fun to just watch people all dressed up and freezing their bums off going to parties while you're drinking tea in your slippers and sweaters playing cards. 

Here, enjoy some photos from New Years! (see, I'm posting because I have photos to share. Oy.)

I heart D.C.! 

They planted the flowers to match my hair. Obviously.



Le handsome husband.

The cappuccino angel. Hahha I picked on him so bad about this photo. 
He had just ordered a cappuccino and was drinking it and I took a photo and thought he looked like a little cherub hahaha

New Years Day. 

Today is a pretty big day for me! Its Chinese New Year, so we're having a few fellow lovers of Asia over for dinner, I have a full day of classes and rehearsals annnnnd (are you ready??) Aric and I adopted a kitty!! He had to be microchipped and given his rabies shots this morning so we couldn't take him home last night, but I get to go pick him up on my lunch break!!! I'm so excited!! He's such a sweet little boy! I'll have a post dedicated to Tsouki soon!! 

Love and kittens, 


  1. Well, I'm glad that your back to blogging! Looks like you had a great holiday. Your hair looks amazing too!


    1. Thanks Marja!! I'm glad I'm back too! It feels much better to write again!

  2. Thank youuuu! And you're right, he totally looks like Johnny Depp sometimes!
